13 Regap 1446 | 13 January 2025
رجب 1446
الإستفادة من خدمات الموقع
الوصول السريع للخدمات
امكانية طلب الخدمات
الإستعلام و التقديم على المناقصات
الحصول على الإشعارات
Example Registration of a new beneficiary in the municipal portal to enable the services to be carried out | Registration of a new company to benefit from the services provided by the municipality | Modify the mobile number registered with the Municipality | تقديم معاملة | حجز موعد زيارة
This page presents all the news of the municipality and activities in Al-Ahsa and the press reports which are published through the Media Center in Al-Ahsa Municipality
This page presents all archived news of the municipality and activities previously held in Al-Ahsa and the press reports covered and published through the Media Center in Al-Ahsa Municipality
To guide urban development and provide high-quality municipal services with a high professionalism and professionalism with the participation of community members and the private sector
Fees and Fines
This page allows access to all the regulations and conditions for beneficiaries of services related to Al-Ahsa municipality
Al-Ahsa map includes extensive geographic information such as land uses, neighborhood boundaries, urban scale, and divisional plans
This page provides Frequently asked questions by citizens
This page introduces the existing achievements and projects which achieved by the municipality
This page provides the finest pictures and videos of Al-Ahsa City
This page provides direct communication with the mayor, citizens’ reception appointments
Special advertisements to display returned movables to be presented to other government agencies, and to enable these agencies to disclose their need and desire to benefit from these movables.
This page provides a definition of the framework that illustrates the divisions, units or administrative divisions of the municipality
This page present all the administrations and the departments in the municipality and how to communicate with them
This page allows beneficiaries access to Al-Ahsa municipality administrations phone numbers and extensions
This page allows access to all events overseen by Al-Ahsa Municipality
This page displays a group of sites that can be used by beneficiaries (government E-service sites)
جائزة الأمين للتميز
This page allows the citizen to know all the procedures that he will benefit from in transactions within the Municipality
Working groups
Is one of the projects carried out by Al-Ahsa municipality represented by Investment Development Department In partnership with the private sector (National Parking Company)
سياسة الجودة
ميثاق خدمة العملاء
Cooperative training request
هذه الخدمة تتيح للطالب متابعة طلب التدريب التعاوني وطباعة الخطاب الموجه إلى الجهة التعليمية
Inquiries about requests for cooperative training
The platform provides the opportunity to attract distinguished competencies from public sector employees through the electronic
This service allows an applicant (transfer of services - assignment (assignment) - and job stripping) to inquire about the status of his application submitted on the talent acquisition platform
تتيح هذه الخدمة لخريجي الجامعات والمعاهد والكليات السعودية والأجنبية، تقديم طلب التدريب على رأس العمل لدى أمانة الأحساء في برنامج تمهير
تتيح هذه الخدمة الاستعلام عن الطلبات المقدمة للتدريب على رأس العمل لدى أمانة الأحساء في برنامج تمهير
عد مدونة السلوك الوظيفي وأخلاقيات الوظيفة العامة إطاراً عاماً يجب على الموظف العام التقيد به والعمل بمقتضاه فهي مدونة تلقي الضوء على المعايير والأخلاق والقيم التي يجب أن يتحلى بها الموظف العام
This service allows data sets that are published by the Municipality in formats that facilitate their processing and re-use
حجز موعد جديد
Al Ahsa guide your way to expand knowledge about the city
Al-Ahsa is characterized by a variety of tourism elements and considered one of the most important tourists’ attractions in the Kingdom due to its various tourism and recreational potentials, most notably its geographical location, natural diversity histo
This project comes in support of the Municipality’s objectives in preserving heritage and handicrafts and as an extension to Al-Ahsa’s joining the Creative Cities Network (UNESCO World Organization) in the creative field of handicrafts and folk arts
Al-Ahsa Municipality seeks to support craftsmen and professionals from the citizens to encourage them to do business and professions to raise the standard of living of family members from the economic, educational and health aspects, and to provide family
Al Ahsa Arab Tourism Capital
This page displays (Hasana Fallah) festival events, news, pictures and media coverage
To display Al-Ahsa dates
Marketing festival for Al-Ahsa famous dates, which are attractively packed, packaged and priced, to support national production to positively elevate consumption markers. The festival also uses accompanying activities which aims to bring about broad cultu
Al-Ahsa is considered one of the largest natural palm oases in the world. It also enjoys an important geographical location and allowed Al-Ahsa to play a major role in the history of the region
The World Heritage Office in Al-Ahsa Oasis will undertake several tasks to implement all the policies adopted within Al-Ahsa Oasis and submit recommendations to the Supreme Supervisory Committee
World Heritage Centre
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 to enforce cooperation with cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development, and work to achieve common goal supporting creativity and cultural in
The handicrafts have evolved from a hobby to a variety of works and professions. They have become one of the most important activities that receive broad attention. Despite the development of machinery and equipment, yet, it has not been dispensed
There are a lot of popular arts in Al-Ahsa inherited generation after generation, which is characterized by the original Arab spirit, which expresses the heritage of Saudi Arabia
Al-Ahsa Municipality participated in many international meetings and workshops for creative cities
Photo albums of handicrafts and folklore
By registering as a beneficiary, you can access all your services as well as fully interact with services provided by Al-Ahsa Municipality
This service allows customers to update the mobile number registered in the municipality's electronic system
Transaction Inquiry
Bill Inquiry
تتيح هذه الخدمة لأصحاب الكرفانات الاستعلام عن حجز مسبق لموقف في شاطئ العقير
تتيح هذه الخدمة لأصحاب الكرفانات الاستعلام عن كرفاناتهم المسجلة من قبل لدى البلدية
Through the service, a request is made to open a file for a royal decree. You can also update your information
تتيح هذه الخدمة لأصحاب الكرفانات تسجيل كرفان جديد ليتمكن من اصدار تصريح للوقوف في شاطئ العقير
تتيح هذه الخدمة لأصحاب الكرفانات حجز موقف للكرفان واصدار تصريح الوقوف
تقديم طلب تظلم
التقديم على طلب انشاء مطب صناعي
خدمة نزرع لك
This service allows the registration of a new facility, enabling it to access all its services, as well as full interaction with the systems and services provided by Al-Ahsa Municipality.
This service allows establishments to submit a request to amend contact information in the municipality system, and it is approved after visiting the secretariat and bringing an agency or authorization letter from the establishment.
This service allows beneficiaries working in men's shaving salons activities and women's beauty centers to submit a request for examination and follow-up for sterilization devices used in their facilities
اصدار وتجديد شهادة واثق
استعلام / طباعة شهادة واثق
تقديم طلب اتلاف مواد للمردم
الاستعلام عن الشركات المقدمة لخدمات النظافة
تتيح هذه الخدمة للشركات والمؤسسات اصدار أو تجديد أو إلغاء رخص الملصقات لمركباتهم
الاستعلام عن طلبات ملصقات المركبات
تتيح هذه الخدمة للشركات والمؤسسات اصدار رخصة لوحة اعلانية
تتيح هذه الخدمة للشركات والمؤسسات تجديد رخصة لوحة اعلانية
تتيح هذه الخدمة للمستفيد الاستعلام عن طلبات رخص اللوحات الاعلانية
الاستعلام عن رخص اللوحات الاعلانية
طلب شراء نسخ مخططات معتمدة
الاستعلام عن طلبات شراء نسخ مخططات معتمدة
تتيح هذه الخدمة للمكاتب الهندسية والاستشارية الاستفادة من محطات الرصد VRS
تتيح هذه الخدمة للمكاتب الهندسية والاستشارية الاستعلام عن الطلبات المقدمة للاستفادة من محطات الرصد VRS
These services provided by the BALADY allow the possibility of completing all commercial license procedures, including issuing, renewing, amending, and transferring ownership of the commercial license, in addition to supporting services such as seasonal p
These services provided by the BALADY allow the possibility of completing all construction permit procedures by contracting with classified engineering offices and approved construction contractors.
These services provided by the BALADY allow the possibility of completing all health certificate procedures for workers in food and public health facilities, including issuing the health certificate and printing it through licensed health facilities throu
This service provided by the BALADY allows the customer to book an appointment to visit municipalities
This service provided by the BALADY enables the owner of the electronic real estate deed within the approved plans to link the electronic without the need to visit the secretariat, the affiliated municipality, or the Ministry of Justice
This service provided by the BALADY allows the customer to submit a request to issue a surveying decision authorizing a classified engineering office
This service provided by the BALADY allows explaining and clarifying the procedures for commercial licenses, including the conditions and requirements for the activity in which the business is to be conducted.
A government digital map to show all geospatial data on one platform, covering all data of the Kingdom’s cities, showing the road network in all its details, and knowing the details of land uses, their categories, classifications, areas, and building requ
A service provided to government agencies and private agencies across the Kingdom, which allows submitting a request for project coordination through the BALADY
This service provided by the BALADY allows the customer to self-evaluate a license issued by BALADY
This service provided by the BALADY allows facilities to be qualified to manage and maintain gas stations and service centers
This service provided by the BALADY allows the customer to issue a vacant land fencing license
These services provided by the BALADY allow the customer to make requests for lands, plans, and grants
These services provided by the BALADY allow engineering offices to submit a classification request and provide services to offices, surveyors, and contractors
These services provided by the BALADY allow customers to manage and register authorizations for establishments
These services provided by the BALADY allow customers to make classification requests and evaluate projects
This service provided by the BALADY allows the customer to submit a request to merge and divide residential lands within an approved plan
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to submit qualification requests for workers in specific professions and ensure that they meet the requirements necessary for a craft license
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to submit requests to start doing business for individuals by issuing a mobile vehicle license
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to submit requests for approval of private land division plans within the urban area
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to issue real estate owners and tenants a group housing license for individuals
This service provided BALADY allows the customer to submit reports or request municipal services with the aim of processing them by the competent authority in the municipal sector
These services provided BALADY allow service agencies and their representatives within project coordination offices to apply for infrastructure work permits.
This service provided BALADY allows the customer to submit a request to transport and prepare the dead to the Department
This service provided by BALADY allows you to inquire about commercial activities and municipal requirements
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to calculate municipal service fees
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to inquire about the violations registered against him
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to inquire about registered suspensions
This service provided by BALADY allows the customer to inquire about a commercial activity license
This service provided by BALADY allows you to inquire about cleaning contracts
This service provided by BALADY allows you to inquire about a building permit
This service provided BALADY allows you to inquire about a survey decision
This service provided by BALADY allows inquiring about sellers in mobile stores and inquiring about mobile store markets
This service provided by BALADY allows inquiries about engineering offices
This service provided by BALADY allows inquiries about violations of precautionary measures
This service provided by BALADY allows you to inquire about roaming vehicle routes
Requirements and Stages for Electricity Service Connection
This service provided by BALADY allows access to the regulatory guide for commercial boards
Geographical Explorer
Coverage explorer for infrastructure services
This service provided by the BALADY cemetery data to be provided on Ikram for inquiring about and reviewing its data
This service provided by BALADY allows you to print a burial certificate
This service provided by BALADY allows you to inquire about the location of a deceased person’s grave
This service provided by BALADY allows inquiries about providers of transportation and processing of the dead
An portal that is considered the unified database and main reference for all investors searching for real estate and municipal investment opportunities offered by all government agencies in various investment activities
It is a platform that helps the owners of restaurants, popular cafes, and the like, and those wishing to provide tobacco products to disclose, and the amounts collected from sales are paid to the Disclosure Department on a monthly basis directly through t
Platform that helps owners of shelter facilities or officials register their facilities, manage the monthly disclosure of occupancy, and pay accordingly - according to the facility category - with display and printing of the necessary reports.
Periodic measurement system that aims to raise the level of competition and compliance among owners of commercial establishments to implement special systems and requirements in accordance with approved digital checklists.
نستخدم ملفات الكوكيز لنسهل عليك استخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني ونكيف المحتوى والخدمات وفقا لمتطلباتك واحتياجاتك الخاصة، لتوفير ميزات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعية ولتحليل حركة المرور لدينا... اعرف أكثر